CLIENT: A.L.I.C.E. Soc. Coop. Sociale – ONLUS
TEAM: Maria Rosaria Centrone, Alessandra Alloni, Francesca Viola, Domenico Centrone
Our team curated the first edition of the MiniBIG, the section of the Bari International Gender festival dedicated to children and young people. We opened the doors of the Galleria cinema in Bari to 150 students between the ages of 13 and 15, showing 3 arthouse shorts:
- Something About Alex, by Reinhout Hellenthal (The Netherlands, 2017)
- Le Variabili Dipendenti, by Lorenzo Tardella (Italy, 2021)
- Jules&IK, by Anne Balloon (Belgium, 2021)
We alternated the viewing of the three short films with interactive activities, promoting an exchange of ideas on gender diversity. An exceptional environment, the cinema, became both a workshop site and a round table. We fostered an environment to talk with young people, but above all to listen to their opinions, on the issues of affectivity and sexuality in relation to the rights of the LGBTQI+ community. We framed the whole programme in an intersectional, intergenerational and anti-adultist perspective.
Our core team took care of the conception and implementation of the activities, counting on the support of Domenico Centrone (filmmaker) for the film curatorship.