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Mid-term and Final Evaluations of the “Amina Programme”

CLIENT: Missing Children Europe

TEAM: Maria Rosaria Centrone, Francesca Viola

In 2019 we carried out the mid-term evaluation of the “Amina Programme”, followed by the final evaluation completed at the end of 2021. The programme aimed to close the protection gaps that lead to disappearance and exploitation of children on the move who go missing in Europe. It was a comprehensive three-year programme with four specific types of intervention towards four target groups: (i) children on the move; (ii) actors working with children; (iii) general public; (iv) policy-makers at EU and national level. Amina gave birth to the mobile application Miniila dedicated to Unaccompanied and Separated Children in the European Union and to the INTERACT project that used simulations of cases of missing migrant children to test practices and procedures for multi-agency collaboration at national and cross-border level.

Both the Mid-term and the Final Evaluation reports we developed are based on the measurement of the five OECD/DAC criteria of relevance, effectiveness, efficiency, impacts, and sustainability and on secondary data review and primary data (survey, open-ended questionnaire and interviews) collection and analysis. The reports are confidential and aimed at improving future programmes of Missing Children Europe.

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